News & Events

Security Advisory released: GoSNMP Denial of Service Vulnerability.»»

Security Advisory released: OS X Gatekeeper Bypass Vulnerability.»»

Amplia Security founder participated in the keynote and panel opening the 10th edition of the Ekoparty Security Conference.»

Windows Credentials Editor (WCE) v1.4beta for Windows 32bit and 64bit released. This version includes several bug fixes, support for Windows 8, and a "universal binary" that works both on 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows.»»»

Amplia Security consultant contributing author of the recently released "Hacking Exposed 7: Network Security Secrets and Solutions". The best-selling security book in the world and translated in some 30 languages.

Windows Credentials Editor (WCE) v1.3beta for Windows 64bit released. This version brings the possiblity to dump logon cleartext passwords stored by the Windows Digest Authentication package to 64bit platforms.»

Windows Credentials Editor (WCE) v1.3beta for Windows 32bit released. This version includes bug fixes, enhancements, and new functionality to dump logon cleartext passwords stored by the Windows Digest Authentication package.»

Windows Credentials Editor (WCE) v1.21 for Windows 64bit released. This version fixes some issues with Windows 2008.»

Windows Credentials Editor (WCE) v1.2 for Windows 64bit released. With this release, WCE now supports all available versions of Windows running on 32-bit and 64-bit mode.

Amplia Security presented "Post-Exploitation with WCE v1.2" to the "Information Security" class of the University of Buenos Aires' Computer Department

Amplia Security releases WCE v1.2 now including a new feature called Pass-the-Ticket which allows penetration testers to dump and reuse Kerberos tickets in Windows systems.»»

Amplia Security was invited by Microsoft to participate in the Microsoft Blue Security Forum (vulnerability discovery and exploitation experts panel) to be held March 18th in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Amplia Security consultant invited to present at the RootedCon 2011 Conference to be held March 3rd, 4th, and 5th in Madrid, Spain.»»

Amplia Security consultants invited to present at the H2HC 2010 Conference to be held December 3rd in Cancun, Mexico.»

Amplia Security consultant contributing author to the recently released book "Hacking Exposed Web Applications 3rd. Edition".»

Amplia Security has been invited to lecture on the Windows NTLM Weak Nonce vulnerability and transferring files on isolated remote desktop environments at Ekoparty, the most important security conference in Latin America.»»»

Amplia Security has been invited to lecture on the Windows NTLM Weak Nonce vulnerability at BlackHat USA 2010.»